by on June 26, 2021
If you’re like many people in the electronics industry, the smartphone is an important part of your company’s inventory. When you’re buying previously used phones, it’s important to test these devices.   To start testing phones, you can either do this yourself or get help from another business. As you’ll soon learn, the latter option can save you a ton of time, energy, and maybe even money.   In this post, you’ll be able to:   Find out the many drawbacks of testing phones...
3.1k+ views 2 likes
by on October 26, 2020
If you’re interested in building a successful business, it’s helpful to learn about this from those who have done it.   The first step to doing this is entering a popular industry. If you’re interested in building a company in the smartphone industry, you’ve found a popular industry to enter into.    A recent study from the Pew Research Center in 2019 found that 81% of Americans own some type of cell phone. This is a figure that will only continue to grow as time goes on.   Sin...
1.4k+ views 1 like
by on August 23, 2020
Smartphones are incredible devices, capable of doing many things. With that said, it takes lots of small parts and computer systems to keep these devices working properly. Considering that, you can find out quite a bit about your smartphone’s condition by running a smartphone diagnostics test.   These types of tests are great for helping you avoid wasted time and effort trying to understand the condition of a smartphone. It’s understandable if you’re unsure of how to perform these types of...
1.3k+ views 1 like
by on May 5, 2020
While smartphones are built to last, they are not without their issues. These devices are designed to stay on 24 hours a day. They're constantly connected and are usually running many processes behind the scenes to make our lives much easier.   Naturally, smartphones will start to show their age as time goes on. The once blazing-fast operating system can start to feel clunky and slow. Meanwhile, the battery might last only a fraction of the time it did when the phone came from the factory....
5.6k+ views 2 likes
by on December 6, 2019
If you buy and sell used electronics, you know that the industry has extremely poor quality control and grading guidelines. The inconsistent testing, defective devices, and high return rates will make a business owner rip their hair out! We solved these problems by integrating a software program known as PhoneCheck.   PhoneCheck is the #1 rated mobile diagnostics software that allows buyback companies and consumer electronics recyclers to properly test the functionality of their inventory....
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