In the world of tech, nothing quite beats the popularity of the Apple iPhone. Year after year, millions of people flock to buy the newest model. During a typical release cycle, Apple will sell well over 200 million units worldwide!
While that sales figure alone is pretty impressive, it doesn't even begin to cover the secondary market. There's a lot of money to be made with used iPhones. As iPhone users ditch their old models for the shiny new one, resellers can bank on the brand's popula...
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Finding reliable suppliers for any item or product can make for a lengthy and difficult process. Even if you have extensive experience, a well-trained staff, and all of the tools you need, you will almost certainly require custom systems in order to compete. If you need to obtain these parts from many different suppliers, it will take time to create an expansive network of suppliers that you can access at any time.
While creating a supplier network was very difficult before social media,...
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