by on August 11, 2020
Not all industries grow like the electronics industry does. Because technology is ever-improving, the electronics industry keeps growing. The potential growth is what makes reselling electronics a particularly lucrative venture.   The Future of Smartphones, Wearables, Computer and Home Technology   According to MarketWatch, the consumer electronics industry is expected to grow massively by 2024. This is good news for business owners who specialize in reselling electronics. Here are s...
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by on August 4, 2020
At Trade-In Tech, we’ve spent a lot of years in the wholesale electronics industry. Throughout this time, we’ve seen our fair share of amazing wholesale electronics dealers. Whether you're new to this industry or someone with experience, it's understandable to have questions.   One of these questions might be “what is separating my business from others moving much more electronics and making lots of money?” Considering that, something separating many successful business leaders from others...
9.8k+ views 3 likes
by on July 13, 2020
If you are attempting to start a business but are unsure of the route you should take, you should look into creating a private label electronics business. The products that a private label business sells are manufactured by one company but sold under another. Creating a private label company is also very easy no matter the size of your business, which makes it ideal in a variety of different situations.   Private label products are usually considered to be more affordable than name-brand o...
7.8k+ views 1 like
by on July 7, 2020
My name is Jeremy Bass with Cybertron Electronics LLC based out of Kansas, USA. Today I want to discuss foresight and why you need it. I am going to break this article into a couple of sections; business foresight and personal foresight.   All information below and insights are my personal opinion on the subject of foresight.   Section 1. Business Foresight     The word foresight is made of two parts: fore, which means "before," and sight, which means "to perceive." Peop...
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by on July 2, 2020
Whether for business or fun, there’s no doubt that people everywhere depend on consumer electronics. However, this huge demand for electronics does produce quite a bit of waste. In fact, experts estimate that 20 to 50 million metric tons of electronic waste or e-waste are disposed of each year. Experts began working to solve this problem and, with that in mind, created the R2 certification.   In this article, you’re going to learn: What R2 recycling is Why it’s beneficial ...
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by on June 22, 2020
As an electronics reseller, you have a lot of opportunities to make a decent profit. Today's market is flooded with high-end tech. Thanks to the ongoing release cycle of big-name brands, there's always an influx of stock that you can use to benefit your business.   All that said, not every piece of tech is going to be worth salvaging. Some items require more work than others. It's not just the condition of the item you have to worry about. The demand for items can also affect its value to ...
5.5k+ views 1 like
by on June 14, 2020
If you want to grow your wholesale electronics business, it’s wise to get it online right away. Don’t worry; you don’t have to be a technical genius to start and grow a thriving online business buying and selling electronics.   As you know, the popularity of electronics isn’t going away anytime soon. Experts predict that the consumer electronics market will grow 4.3% in 2021. Further research shows that, by the year 2027, this same market will reach a total worth of over $989 billion.  ...
1.8k+ views 2 likes
by on May 10, 2020
If you want to enjoy a profitable hobby or business, consider buying and selling smartphones, tablets, computers, and similar items. For instance, did you know that the used smartphone industry is worth an estimated $30 billion?    To enter into this extremely profitable industry, it's wise to do this with the help of Trade-In Tech. Before you start buying and selling on the Trade-In Tech wholesale platform, we have several valuable tips you'll want to check out. Here are five great ways t...
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by on May 5, 2020
While smartphones are built to last, they are not without their issues. These devices are designed to stay on 24 hours a day. They're constantly connected and are usually running many processes behind the scenes to make our lives much easier.   Naturally, smartphones will start to show their age as time goes on. The once blazing-fast operating system can start to feel clunky and slow. Meanwhile, the battery might last only a fraction of the time it did when the phone came from the factory....
5.5k+ views 2 likes
by on May 4, 2020
When Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone in 2007, it ushered in a brand-new era for consumer electronics. While it's certainly not the only smartphone on the market, the Apple iPhone was one of the first to be widely adopted by the masses.   Since its launch, Apple has continued to release new models annually. Each iteration adds new features and capabilities, making the iPhone an incredibly hot commodity all year round.   With Apple's yearly release cycle, the secondary market is ripe ...
8.1k+ views 1 like
by on April 28, 2020
If your company is focused on buying and selling iPhones, it's important to understand that it can be difficult to make profits on this type of company unless you take the right steps. In the event that you do everything right, there's a good chance that flipping iPhones can be a highly lucrative business for you. Before you look to buy and sell iPhone models, it's recommended that you learn more about what it takes to flip phones for a profit. By avoiding mistakes in the early days of your busi...
6.8k+ views 1 like
by on April 23, 2020
When you're looking to sell used electronics, there are many different places you to go to do so. The industry for used electronics has become a booming one, which is displayed by the estimated revenues of $52.7 billion in 2022. While there are multiple places that you can go when you want to sell used electronics, the following details five of the best places for these transactions.   Trade-In Tech is a powerful platform that's designed specifically to be used on ...
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