by on June 14, 2022
We often hear about the importance of recycling. However, when we usually think about the recycling industry, we imagine people turning in things like bottles and cans they bring from their homes. However, there's another type of recycling, and it has to do with electronic devices.   If you work or want to work in the electronics industry, it's good to have an understanding of electronics recyclers. Your business might also benefit from becoming a certified recycler itself! There's a lot o...
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by on June 2, 2022
Interested in making money by working in the electronics industry? If so, one of the best ways to achieve this goal is by flipping phones.   To flip phones, you need to buy phones and then resell these electronic devices to another party at a profit. While this might sound fairly simple, there are a lot of helpful things we want to teach you before you start flipping cell phones.   Think of this post as a type of mini phone flipping course. We'll cover all the basics that you need to...
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by on May 16, 2022
There are many ways to get started in the electronics industry. One of these ways is by buying and selling electronics in bulk. While it might sound a little intimidating, buying electronics in bulk is a great way to make money. Not sure where to start in this industry? We’re here to help. Let’s take a look at the steps needed to become an electronics wholesaler.    In this post, you’ll find out:   The most popular electronics to buy and resell in bulk The benefits of b...
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by on April 21, 2022
In the past few years, it seems like technology is beginning to pop up everywhere. Chances are, you have a smartphone and television. You might even have a tablet and other types of tech in your office.   Speaking of the office, there is now an entire category completely dedicated to what’s known as business tech. But what is office tech? And are there profits in your future if you buy and sell these types of business-related electronics?   We’ll answer those questions and many other...
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by on April 4, 2022
What’s one of the fastest-growing ways for people to spend their free time? By playing video games. For the past few decades, more and more people are experiencing everything that video games have to offer. There are even a lucky few who are able to earn millions by playing these games.   If you’re not one of those fortunate few who make a living playing video games, there’s still a great way to make a lot of money in this industry. That’s by buying and reselling video game consoles, games...
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by on March 29, 2022
The basic concept of being a wholesaler sounds simple enough, buy goods and sell them at a higher price. However, it takes some knowledge and work before you can get to this stage of the wholesaling process. Fortunately, you came to the right place if you want to learn how to get started in the wholesale electronics industry.   In this article, you’re going to learn:   The advantages of becoming an electronics wholesaler The best electronics to buy and sell What...
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by on March 21, 2022
There are many types of electronics out there. Some are best-selling items that can’t stay on shelves for long. Other electronic devices, for one reason or another, don’t achieve the previously mentioned levels of popularity. When this happens, these electronics often end up getting liquidated fast.   We’re here to let you know everything about liquidated electronics. At first glance, this topic might not sound like the most exciting subject in the world. We get it. We’re going to make the...
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by on March 14, 2022
Everyone wants to be productive. There’s a great feeling that comes with crossing items off of a to-do list. Unfortunately, wanting to be productive and actually being productive can sometimes be two different things.   Or, you might also be like many people that have moments of productivity and then find themselves burned out by mid-day. Fortunately, almost anyone can be and stay productive when they have a plan.   If you’re having trouble staying productive, it can make doing anyth...
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by on March 7, 2022
Considering the many things you likely have to take care of during a typical day, it’s understandable if you haven’t had time to work on your company’s story. You might be wondering how much good can come from creating and telling others about your company’s story.   With that in mind, letting people know more about your company can have more of a positive impact on your business than you might think. However, you might not know a lot about your company’s story. Or, you might know about yo...
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by on February 28, 2022
More than ever, people from all walks of life are starting to look into being their own bosses. If you’re starting a new business, there are a lot of opportunities in the electronics industry. At Trade-In Tech, we talk a lot about the many types of electronics on the market.   With that in mind, we thought now would be a great time to show you how to make money reselling tablets. Before you can start selling tablets and making lots of money, you’ll probably need to learn a few things. That...
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by on February 17, 2022
There's no doubt that technology has come a long way in the past few decades. One of the most notable things to happen in this time is the rise of wearable technology. While some forms of wearable technology have fared better than others, we're going to be talking about one type of tech that maintains its popularity: the smartwatch.   You can find smartwatches on the wrist of people from all walks of life. And, with all of the amazing features smartwatches offer, it's easy to see why they ...
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by on February 7, 2022
You don’t have to be in the wholesale industry for long to see how fast it moves. To make sure that you either get or stay ahead of the competition, Trade-In Tech wanted to bring you some valuable wholesale marketing tips. Apply these tips to your business and you should soon start to notice that leads come pouring in.   When it comes to wholesale marketing, things are a little different than how you’d approach a traditional marketing plan. But, don’t worry, we’ll walk you through every st...
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