by on September 21, 2020
After smartphones became popular among people and companies, Apple knew it was working with a successful product. Soon, Apple wanted to take the features of an iPhone and create something larger. These thoughts led to Apple creating and releasing the iPad. LifeWire reports that Apple sold over 360 million iPads since 2010.   Now, the iPad remains one of the best-selling tablets on the market. Considering that, you might be thinking about buying and reselling iPads. Many people continue to ...
1.7k+ views 1 like
by on September 16, 2020
There are many ways to make money online. To achieve this goal, you might think about dropshipping. For many people, dropshipping allows them to run a business and enjoy a nice life. In this article, you’ll learn what dropshipping is, if it’s right for you, and how to start a dropshipping business.   What is Dropshipping?     Dropshipping is a type of retail model. Most retailers stock goods and sell them directly. When a store’s inventory is getting low, someone orders what n...
1.1k+ views 1 like
by on September 14, 2020
There are many reasons to start a wholesale business. Maybe you’re tired of your current job or just looking for something new. Regardless of the reason, entering the wholesale industry can be a wise and profitable decision. In fact, research shows that 261 million units of personal computers were sold during 2019.   If you’re wanting to start wholesaling electronics, you might start by buying and reselling computers. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at how to start a profitable...
3.8k+ views 2 likes
by on September 7, 2020
One of the most profitable ways to work in the wholesale industry is by flipping electronics. But, before you can start doing this, you’ll need to answer a very important question: Should you learn how to flip phones or leave it to someone else?    To answer this question, it’s important to look at a few factors. By doing this, you’ll know how your business needs to proceed. We’re going to look at the advantages and disadvantages of flipping electronics by yourself or hiring someone else t...
1.5k+ views 1 like
by on September 3, 2020
Launching on April 3rd, 2010, Apple’s iPad helped foster in the worldwide popularity of tablet computers. Since its launch, the iPad remains a popular product in Apple’s line of electronics. In fact, there have been over 450 million iPads sold throughout the world.   If you’re wanting to enter into a profitable industry, it’s time to learn how to buy and sell iPads. This can include selling iPads to consumers, wholesalers, and businesses. Before getting started as an iPad reseller, it’s he...
2k+ views 1 like
by on August 23, 2020
Smartphones are incredible devices, capable of doing many things. With that said, it takes lots of small parts and computer systems to keep these devices working properly. Considering that, you can find out quite a bit about your smartphone’s condition by running a smartphone diagnostics test.   These types of tests are great for helping you avoid wasted time and effort trying to understand the condition of a smartphone. It’s understandable if you’re unsure of how to perform these types of...
1.3k+ views 1 like
by on August 11, 2020
Not all industries grow like the electronics industry does. Because technology is ever-improving, the electronics industry keeps growing. The potential growth is what makes reselling electronics a particularly lucrative venture.   The Future of Smartphones, Wearables, Computer and Home Technology   According to MarketWatch, the consumer electronics industry is expected to grow massively by 2024. This is good news for business owners who specialize in reselling electronics. Here are s...
1.1k+ views 1 like
by on August 4, 2020
At Trade-In Tech, we’ve spent a lot of years in the wholesale electronics industry. Throughout this time, we’ve seen our fair share of amazing wholesale electronics dealers. Whether you're new to this industry or someone with experience, it's understandable to have questions.   One of these questions might be “what is separating my business from others moving much more electronics and making lots of money?” Considering that, something separating many successful business leaders from others...
9.8k+ views 3 likes
by on July 27, 2020
If your business is centered around reselling smartphones and other electronics, you likely know how difficult it can be to find a reliable supplier that will provide you with all of the products you require. This is a significant problem within the electronics industry. Because of how popular Apple and Samsung devices are, there are a myriad of suppliers that you can purchase these products from, many of which aren't reliable. If you want to be certain that you're partnering with top-rated w...
2.4k+ views 1 like
by on July 20, 2020
If your company is looking to resell electronic devices, it's essential that you partner with verified suppliers that you can trust. These suppliers will need to be experienced enough to provide you with everything you require as a reseller. To pair up with the right supplier, it's highly recommended that you join Trade-In Tech, which is a wholesale platform that's dedicated entirely towards making sure that electronic dealers have a place where they can buy and sell products without issue.  ...
1.4k+ views 1 like
by on July 13, 2020
If you are attempting to start a business but are unsure of the route you should take, you should look into creating a private label electronics business. The products that a private label business sells are manufactured by one company but sold under another. Creating a private label company is also very easy no matter the size of your business, which makes it ideal in a variety of different situations.   Private label products are usually considered to be more affordable than name-brand o...
7.8k+ views 1 like
by on July 7, 2020
My name is Jeremy Bass with Cybertron Electronics LLC based out of Kansas, USA. Today I want to discuss foresight and why you need it. I am going to break this article into a couple of sections; business foresight and personal foresight.   All information below and insights are my personal opinion on the subject of foresight.   Section 1. Business Foresight     The word foresight is made of two parts: fore, which means "before," and sight, which means "to perceive." Peop...
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