Trade-In Tech
by on July 1, 2021

One of the most essential things for any business owner to have is a website for this company. In the past, simply having a functioning website was all you needed to have an online presence. Now, almost every company has either an in-house marketing team or another company building and marketing their websites.


Don’t think that your competitors have a major advantage over your business. By following the tips you’re about to see, your company can also start making lots of online sales.


Here’s what we’ll cover in this post:


  • The benefits of having an optimized website

  • Should you optimize your website or hire someone else to do it?

  • Proven ways to optimize your website for more sales and leads


If you’re ready, here’s how to optimize your website for more leads in the electronics industry.


Why Should I Worry About Optimizing My Website?



If you’re unsure about optimizing your website, you’re not alone. At first, many people are more than a little skeptical about whether making website-related changes and updates is worth it. However, when done properly, website optimizations can bring about lots of benefits for your wholesale electronics company. Here’s more information about the benefits of having an optimized website.


Achieving Great Placement in Search Engines


Most likely, you use search engines many times per day. A search engine is a program that collects and organizes information throughout the internet. And, considering how much information is on the internet, search engines are quite popular websites. 


With that in mind, one of the most popular websites and search engines is Google. This search engine is so popular that it processes 40,000 searches each second from users around the world. Since such a vast number of people use Google to find what they need, it’s always a good thing when this search engine “likes” your company’s website.


But how do you get a search engine to like your website? By making sure that it’s optimized. To process data across the internet, search engines use bots. When these bots scan or crawl a website, it’s easier for them to process and organize optimized data. If a bot doesn’t understand what your website is about, it’s unlikely to give this website great search engine rankings.


Why? Because Google and other top search engines want to give their users the most relevant results possible. If not, they could leave one search engine in favor of one that provides them with better results.


Making Your Business as Profitable as Possible


The most obvious benefit of optimized websites is that they tend to rank well in search engines. Ranking well for searches is important because it leads more people to your company’s website. When you begin gaining more traffic, you’re likely to sell more electronics online.


On the other hand, by not having an optimized website that’s showing up for searches, you might be leaving a lot of potential sales on the table. 


Having an Advantage Over Your Competitors


Every business would like an advantage over its competitors, especially ones who are just starting out in the electronics industry. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to have every advantage over much larger companies. However, you can have one major advantage over certain competitors by focusing on the importance of SEO.


By choosing certain keywords or building connections with other websites, you might find your company ranking ahead of its direct competitors. You can also utilize engaging content to build authority and make sure that readers choose your company over the competition.


Some incredibly small companies have implemented this strategy and continued making content. After enough time and effort spent creating content for search engines, some of the smaller companies can become much bigger than their competitors.


Should I Optimize My Website or Have Someone Else Do It?



When you’re preparing to optimize your company’s website, you’ll need to do it yourself or have someone else do it for you. Your best option in this situation depends on how much you understand search engine optimization.


If you don’t want to learn about the subject of SEO (or want to but don’t have a lot of time), your next best option is to have someone do this work for you. When it comes to finding SEO help, you can partner with another business or build a team of freelance professionals.


Here are a few questions to ask yourself that can help you understand which option to choose.


How Comfortable Are You With SEO?


The first thing you’ll need to figure out is how comfortable you are with learning about SEO or starting to optimize your website. If you’re not comfortable optimizing websites, there’s nothing wrong with that.


If you don’t know a lot about SEO, the next thing to determine is how much interest and spare time you have to devote to this subject. Fortunately, there are many resources online that can help you boost your SEO-related knowledge.


With that said, it’s also possible that you might not have any time to spend on this subject. Or, you might not have any interest in wanting to find the time to learn about SEO. If either of these situations is true, it’s time to have another company or specialist take care of SEO for you.


Is There Room To Hire an SEO Service in Your Budget?


Should you choose to have a company or SEO pro help out your business, it’s going to cost money. So, before you choose someone to partner with, make sure there’s room in your budget for outside help.


How much you’ll spend on SEO services depends on a range of factors. Most SEO companies charge their clients based on the scope of a project. Since larger websites typically require more optimization-related work, these companies charge more to work on them. On the other hand, optimizing smaller websites should cost less because there is less content to optimize.


Since SEO is made up of many factors, it’s also important to think about how much help your website needs. For instance, some websites have optimized content but struggle to get links from other sources online. Other websites might have no content or links. Be prepared to spend more money if your company needs a complete digital marketing campaign launched.


If you decide to hire an SEO company for help, be sure to research several companies before making your decision. Being such a popular industry, there are many digital marketing companies online. Unfortunately, not all of them will give you the increased rankings and visibility that you’re looking for. Try to find SEO companies with positive feedback from customers or businesses with lots of experience in this industry.


How to Optimize Your Website to Increase Your Sales and Leads



By now, you’ve decided whether or not you’re going to optimize your website. If you are, it’s time to learn about how to get started with website optimization. Here are some of the best ways for beginners to start using SEO techniques on their websites.


1. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly


Something that makes using the internet so popular is how many electronic devices can gain access to it. In the past, you’d have to use a computer or laptop to have internet access. Now, there are many electronic devices that are capable of accessing the internet, including smartphones, tablets, and other similar devices.


While it’s great to access the internet in many ways, this also makes it harder for web browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox to properly display websites to their users. To solve this problem, website developers began working on ways to make their websites mobile-friendly. Mobile-friendly websites are those that can load properly on a wide range of browsers and devices.


If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, it’s going to cause this site to look strange. Unfortunately, this can also negatively impact the user’s experience and cause them to quickly exit off of your website in favor of another one.


In the past few years, search engines began including mobile-friendliness as an important ranking factor. To put things another way, websites that aren’t mobile-friendly won’t rank well for online searches.


Don’t worry; you don’t have to be a technical genius to make your website mobile-friendly. Many website builders have now automatically included this feature into their services. If you’re still unsure about whether or not your website is optimized for mobile devices, check out Google’s mobile-friendly checker.


2. Page Speed is an Important Factor


Consider how fast technology is advancing, it’s no wonder that people expect fast results. With that in mind, people definitely want to enjoy a fast browsing experience while using the internet. However, the speed at which a website loads depends on multiple factors. One of these factors is the host of the website you’re visiting.


If a slow provider hosts your company’s website, it’s likely to load slowly for all of your visitors. And, you don’t want to have a slow website. Research shows that it’s best for a website to load in 2-5 seconds. If a website loads fully in under two seconds, that’s even better.


You’ll have a slim chance of keeping the average user on your website if they’re waiting longer than five seconds for it to load. As you can see, you’re more likely to keep a visitor’s attention if they’re not waiting for your website to be up and running.


So, how do you have a website that loads as fast as possible? There are many ways to improve your website’s speed. But, now is the time to include a disclaimer that you shouldn’t try and improve the speed of your website if you’re not comfortable getting technical. If you’re not sure how to make speed-related improvements, you could accidentally damage your website.


3. Have Your Contact Information Easily Available


The end goal of most business growth strategies is to have customers contact these companies. However, to ensure this happens, you’ll need to have your company’s contact information prominently available on your website.


One way to do this is by placing your company’s contact information in your website’s logo picture. By doing this, it will always be visible to customers. Another solution is to place a small digital box on your website with your company’s contact information. Having this box scroll along with the website visitor’s browser is a good way to ensure they’ll know how to contact your business.


4. Learn How to Research Keywords


When you’re getting started with SEO, one of the most important things to focus on is a keyword. This term is another way to describe the words someone types in while using a search engine. By researching keywords, you can understand how many people are searching for these words, which is otherwise known as a keyword’s monthly search volume.


By this stage, you’ll have two main types of keywords:


  • Keywords with low search volume that are less competitive

  • Keywords with high search volume that are more competitive


With that said, this is a basic way to break down the two main types of keywords. It is possible to find competitive keywords with low search volume and non-competitive keywords with high search volume.


Finding Long-Tail Keywords


When you’re getting started with SEO, you’re likely competing against larger and more optimized websites. Instead of trying to match their large marketing budgets or months of optimizing, you can look out for long-tail keywords.


Let’s say that you own a business buying and reselling iPhones. With that in mind, you would want to target keywords about iPhones and selling these devices. You find these two keywords:


  1. iPhones for sale - 100,000 monthly searches / high competition

  2. Used iPhone 10 for sale online - 10,000 monthly searches / low competition


While the first keyword has more searches, it’s also more competitive. If you’re the owner of a new or small website, it will be nearly impossible to organically show up on the first page of Google for this term. The second keyword has fewer monthly searches. However, partially due to its low search volume, this keyword is also much less competitive than the first one. 


In this example, the easiest keyword to rank for would most likely be the one that’s less competitive: used iPhone 10 for sale online. With fewer large websites showing up for this keyword, it should be easier for your site to show up here. 


Don’t feel worried if you’re new to keyword research. The process of finding keywords is something that you’ll get more comfortable with as time goes on. 


5. Spend Time on Your Meta Descriptions and Page Titles


It’s always good to put yourself in the shoes of your customers. With that in mind, you’ll want to think about what your potential website visitors will see when they find you on Google. This might sound impossible, but it isn’t. All you have to do is type in a search that your website is ranking for. 


Next, take a look at what you see in the search results. 



In the picture above, the blue text that begins with the word “Samsung” is this example’s page title. Below the title, you’ll see the meta description beginning with the word “Discover.” As you can see, this example’s title lists what Samsung sells in just a few words. In the description, Samsung can use a few lines to describe what they offer.


Unfortunately, many companies neglect the importance of enticing titles and descriptions in search results. This step only takes a few minutes to complete, and it can have major improvements regarding how many people click over to your website.


6. Create Lots of High-Quality Content


In the past, you could rush through a 350-word post about certain keywords and wind up on the first page of Google within a few days. Unfortunately, that’s no longer the case. The length of what you’re writing about is very important. In most cases, it can take 1,500 words or more to even show up on the first page of Google’s results.


Depending on the keywords you’re going after, it’s not uncommon to need upwards of 4,000 words in your posts for them to gain traction.


You might be wondering, “what is high-quality content? Typically, pages full of high-quality content will include writing that’s formatted in a way that’s easy for a reader to take in. It’s also good to have images and videos placed throughout your content. Nothing but paragraphs of text isn’t going to engage most readers.


To gain a deeper understanding of how much content you’ll need, search for keywords you want to rank for. Take time to check out Google’s top 10 results for this search. If you see lots of long-from content, you’ll likely need this same type of content to start showing up on Google’s first page of results.


You can also create content to highlight your company’s achievements. For example, if you received your R2 certification, you could create an optimized blog post that mentions this important news.


7. Add Forms to Your Website




There are many potential ways to communicate with people or companies interested in working with your business. One of the best ways to talk to people is by placing forms throughout your website. Otherwise known as contact forms, these simple features allow people to enter their personal contact information.


When it comes to contact forms, these can get as simple or complicated as you want them to be. However, you might find that the more complicated your contact forms become, the fewer people want to fill them out.


You can only ask for essential information to keep things simple, including an interested person’s name and email. 


8. Place an Important CTA on Your Website’s Homepage


Most likely, you’ll find that a large number of people who visit your website will end up seeing its homepage. These visitors can come from search engines. Or, they might have heard of your company another way and want to learn more about it.


Regardless of where your visitors come from, it’s a good idea to ensure they see a CTA or call-to-action on your homepage. Essentially, this call to action should be something you want your customers to do.


If you own an e-commerce website, you might use a CTA like “shop now” or “add to cart.” Take some time to create various CTAs and see what you come up with. Over time, you should begin seeing what CTAs your target audience responds to the most.


9. Nurture Every Visitor to Your Website


As your website continues gaining momentum, it should result in your business receiving a growing amount of leads. With that in mind, some companies believe that turning leads into customers is an all-or-nothing battle. If a lead doesn’t become a customer right away, that’s it. Right? Not exactly.


Instead, you can use lead nurturing to be with any potential customers every step of the way. After you start receiving forms from leads, create categories to place these leads in. Some companies create these sorts of funnels by determining how much interest a lead shows.


One great way to start nurturing your leads is through follow-up emails. After a lead fills out a form with their email address, send them a helpful onboarding or introductory email. You can follow up with other helpful emails as the week progresses. With an email automation system, you don’t even have to click send for your automated emails to go out.


10. Create Product Pages (Even If You Don’t Sell Products Online)


Chances are, if you’re in the electronics industry, you’re either buying or selling electronic devices. Some people in this industry operate companies by taking care of both buying and selling.


With that in mind, it’s a good idea to entice any interested website visitors by having product pages for them to check out. These pages are essential if you sell electronics online. However, even if you don’t sell any items online, having pictures of your products helps to build trust with any potential consumers.


Another potential advantage of making product pages is that you could start showing up for keywords related to your products. If your pages begin to generate some interest, you might consider setting up an e-commerce website.


11. Take Advantage of Ad Extensions


Source: Karooya


If you take part in paid advertising, you likely use platforms like Google Adwords and Bing. With that in mind, you might not know about ad extensions. With ad extensions, you can extend the length of your paid ads. These extensions include a few other sections of your website. Plus, this gives ad viewers more links to potentially click through.


Best of all, you don’t have to pay anything extra to get these extensions for your ads. If you decide to utilize this strategy, try to include extra links that go to pages ad viewers will be most interested in.


For example, let’s say that you wanted your main link to be to a page about your phone flipping business. To capitalize on your ad extensions, it’s probably a good idea to use your additional links for pages that have to do with iPads.


12. Place Customer Testimonials on Your Website


For a business owner, there’s almost nothing as nice as knowing other people are saying positive things about your company. When you do get positive feedback, why not use it as testimonials that you can place on your website?


If you don’t have any reviews about your business, that’s ok. Consider reaching out to people or companies your company worked with and ask them for a review. Not everyone will respond with the review you’re after. However, the chances are good that a few people will take you up on your offer.


By learning that you plan on featuring reviews on the homepage of your company’s website, more people or companies might be willing to send in a quick review or testimonial.


A recent study found that 91% of those surveyed trusted reviews as much as they would a personal recommendation. It doesn’t matter who wrote the review or where they read it. Most people will trust reviews from other people as much as they would hearing the same thing from a personal connection.


13. Get Rid of Extra Steps in Your Company’s Online Shopping Process


Research from Business Insider found that about $4 trillion worth of items were left in abandoned shopping carts in 2020. Unfortunately, some of these abandoned items and carts might get left behind by your potential customers. While the previously mentioned data might sound troubling, there’s one great way to stop this from happening.


One reason why your website’s virtual carts are getting abandoned might be due to a lengthy checkout process. As more steps get added to a buyer’s shopping process, it becomes easier for them to regret their purchase. To prevent this problem, you need to make your company’s checkout process as quick as possible.


A great way to do this is by allowing guests to checkout. Sometimes, new users don’t want to go through the process of creating a new account, filling out lots of forms, and receiving emails from your business to buy a product. With a guest checkout option, these people can buy their products and complete their orders right away.


14. Offer as Many Payment Options as Possible



When your customers are near the end of their respective shopping journeys, it will be time for them to select a payment method. If you want to offer the best experience for your customers at checkout, try to offer as many payment options as possible.


Sometimes, the number of payment options you offer might not be up to you. Instead, it might be the responsibility of the payment provider you’re working with. However, offering as many possible payment options is great if you can do it.


One of the newer forms of currency that are gaining lots of online momentum is cryptocurrency. Whether it’s Bitcoin, Ripple, or another type of cryptocurrency, taking these options as payment can be a great way to entice new customers.


15. Consider Tiered Pricing Levels


Depending on what kind of electronics you sell, you might be able to offer tiered pricing. Tiered pricing is a way for a business to offer multiple products and services, often at various rates. In some cases, this type of pricing is a great way to encourage customers to make a purchase from your company.


One way that you can offer tiered pricing is by offering bulk discounts. Let’s say that you flip cell phones and sell them on your website. Most of your customers buy a few smartphones at a time. In an effort to get more bulk orders, you could offer a 10% discount when a customer orders ten or more smartphones.


Of course, this is only an example. When you have the time, consider taking a close look at the prices your company currently offers for its electronics. Chances are, there is a way for you to implement tiered pricing.


16. Make One More Try With an Exit Pop-Up Offer


By this point, your company should be making a lot more sales. However, for whatever reason, there will still be times when a customer doesn’t complete their order. Fortunately, you can target anyone who’s leaving your website without making a purchase with a pop-up offer.


You’ve likely seen these types of offers on many e-commerce websites. To activate the offer, a customer would need to place items in their cart and begin navigating away from said website. At this point, websites equipped with this feature will display an enticing offer to encourage a customer to complete their purchase.


Best of all, you don’t have to make only one pop-up offer for customers leaving your website. Instead, start out with a few offers and see which ones are causing the most sales. After a short time, you can scrap the non-converting offers for ones that lead to more purchases.


To summarize, there are many ways to optimize your company’s website for more leads and sales. Are you wanting more tips and strategies to own a popular electronics business? If so, make sure to visit Trade-In Tech’s blog. On our blog, you’ll find hundreds of posts dedicated to the most popular topics in the electronics industry.


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